Women & Relationships

Relationship therapy can be a wonderful place to get
support around the relationship that you are in.

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Women and relationships are as complex as the women that have them!  Whether your relationship is just developing, or feels as old as the hills, talking about how you feel about being in it, can be a jump start or a potential game-changer.

It can sometimes be hard for women to figure out who they are outside of their roles as partners or mothers, as well as try to balance those roles with career goals and personal dreams.

Roles can become rigid, and this can begin to define who you are, and you might forget who you can be.

Relationship therapy for women can help!

Life is short. It’s not uncommon to wake up in the middle of a life, in the middle of a relationship and feel like you’re on autopilot. You might feeel like you have no idea who you are anymore. Therapy can help you advocate for YOU.

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  As Mary Oliver so poignantly describes in her poem The Summer Day …
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?   


Women tend to hold a lot of information in their heads: staying on top of doctor appointments, managing the social calendar, knowing what gifts to buy, and for whom. Women coordinate household tasks, and chances are good that they do a larger percentage of the housework.

It can be exhausting. The keeping of domestic plates in the air is often in addition to career.

Have you heard of the terms “emotional labor” or “mental load?” If you haven’t please find them explained here You Should Have Asked, and here “Women Aren’t Nags We’re Just Fed Up.”

It can be helpful at times to talk through a possible reorganization of the mental load of domestic relationships. Therapy is a safe place to get support around how to effectively communicate your feelings, needs and boundaries.

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  It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it,
I am not going to be silent.  — Madeleine Albright   


Many women are taught to focus on others and to avoid being “selfish.”

We are so good at focusing on others that we forget to center the attention on ourselves

In addition to partnerships and family, meaning can be found in places where women can focus on themselves, where they can feel agency, passion, creativity and energy, which might be things that partner and family expectations don’t always make room for.

Therapy can get women closer to defining these places for themselves, to advocate for their voices to be heard, and to curate the life they want that not only includes family roles but also a place that is ALL THEIRS.

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  We’re walking contradictions, seeking safety and predictability on one hand and thriving on diversity on the other. — Esther Perel   


As a woman, focusing on yourself and doing individual therapy is one of the best ways to explore potential dissatisfaction, listen to your internal voice, and uncover passions.

You deserve some time to get more connected to yourself. Reach out to see what therapy can do!

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