Couples + Individuals
Specialties: Women & Relationships,
Men’s Issues, Addiction/Recovery,
Low Self Esteem, Election & Political Stress,
Newly Cohabitating Couples
Angelica is Currently Accepting New Clients!
(Weekdays, Evenings &
Saturday a.m. Availability)

Couples + Individuals
Specialties: Relationships, Codependency,
Intentional Divorce & Separations,
Affairs, Transitions, Work-Life Balance,
Election, Political, & Climate Stress
Kristi is Currently Accepting New Clients!
(Tuesday, Wednesday &
Friday Availability)

Couples + Individuals
Specialties: Codependency, Low Self Esteem, Women & Affairs, Self-Empowerment,
Divorce & Breakups, Work-Life Balance,
Election & Political Stress
Jen is Accepting New Clients
(Very Limited Availability)
How we help is by nudging you towards focusing on your own growth and your relationship to yourself, instead of the other people in your life. Remember, the only thing you can control are your actions and how you respond to the relationships, and the things that happen in your life. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, it is very enticing to focus on things outside yourself! But, focusing outward, and on others, doesn’t necessarily create positive change in your life and in the quality of your relationships. No doubt about it: focusing on you, turning inward to see what makes you tick, and learning new tools creates powerful change.
When you work on you, important things start to change and the quality of your relationships get better – more meaningful, more direct, more authentic. Self growth is hard, but it is also gratifying. Which is why we like to refer to what we do with our clients as: GOOD, HARD WORK.
What you pay for are therapists trained in the systems of relationships that will provide safe boundaries, knowledge about relationship dynamics & patterns of relating, effective coping skills, and LOTS of tools. What you get is someone that really listens when you talk. Someone who listens without judgement about what you should, or shouldn’t do, someone who doesn’t have a hidden agenda (hello, mom) or conversation restrictions (aren’t you over this yet?), or a busy social calendar.
We value the diversity of racial and cultural identity and background, nationality, sexual and affectional orientation, gender identity and its expression, religious background and belief, marital status, family structure, age, mental and physical health, appearance, size, political perspective, and educational and class status.
One important thing you should know is that the fit with the therapist that you choose to work with is really vital, research shows that it is one of the most relevant keys to positive change in the work you do in therapy!
We encourage you to talk with them, and make sure you feel comfortable moving forward with therapy. We know that finding the right counselor can be a daunting task, and we commend your efforts in exploring steps to make some positive changes in your relationships!
So, take your time. Trust your gut. If you discover that you are up for some deep reflection, some powerful relationship insights, and some good, hard work, then go ahead and contact us to set up a session!
Together, we can get you more connected to yourself, and on the path to the quality relationships that you deserve.